日本飞行汽车SkyDrive试飞成功 或于2023年面世

     【飞行汽车  新闻 】 近日,日本一家创业公司首次展示了一款电池驱动的飞行汽车 SkyDrive,并希望能在 2023 年投入使用。该公司在丰田市(Toyota City)山区展示的汽车只有一个座位,由公司一名工程师驾驶,驾驶速度保持在每小时 3 英里以下。由于 SkyDrive 还没有获得在户外进行测试的许可,所以这次演示是在一个笼子里进行的。8月25日,SkyDrive公司于在丰田试验场进行了首次试飞。丰田试验场是日本最大的试验场之一,也是该汽车公司项目研发的所在地。这是日本历史上首次公开展示飞行汽车。

     日本在飞行汽车市场上并不是唯一的。其他公司,包括拼车服务公司 Uber,以及据报道由谷歌联合创始人 Larry Page 支持的一家硅谷初创公司,都在准备建立一个飞行汽车系统,让人们在城市中穿梭。不久前,英国发动机制造商 Rolls Royce 也公布了开发混合动力电动汽车的计划,被称为“飞行出租车”,而基蒂霍克公司(Kitty Hawk)则在 6 月份向有兴趣购买该公司汽车的人提供了试飞服务。或许不久之后,飞行汽车的全面普及并不是什么难题。科幻电影中脑洞大开的出行工具,甚至是其他高科技产品也将成为现实,逐步走进我们的生活。


English version

   Recently, a Japanese startup company demonstrated for the first time a battery-powered flying car SkyDrive , and hopes to be put into use in 2023. The company’s car on display in the mountains of Toyota City has only one seat and is driven by a company engineer at a speed of less than 3 miles per hour. Since SkyDrive has not yet obtained permission for testing outdoors, this demonstration was carried out in a cage. On August 25, SkyDrive conducted its first test flight at the Toyota Proving Ground. Toyota Proving Ground is one of the largest test grounds in Japan, and it is also the site of the car company's project research and development. This is the first public display of a flying car in Japanese history.

    Japan is not alone in the flying car market . Other companies, including ride-sharing service Uber, and a Silicon Valley startup reportedly backed by Google co-founder Larry Page, are preparing to build a flying car system that will allow people to travel through the city. Not long ago, British engine manufacturer Rolls Royce also announced plans to develop hybrid electric vehicles, called "flying taxis", and Kitty Hawk (Kitty Hawk) asked interested parties to purchase the company's cars in June. Of people provided flight test services. Perhaps soon, the full popularity of flying cars will not be a problem. In science fiction movies, the tools of travel that have opened up the mind, and even other high-tech products will become reality and gradually come into our lives.(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车 feiauto)

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